Asland Walks Energy Park – Wind and Solar Farm

How much carbon will the wind farm and solar panels offset?

How much carbon will the wind farm and solar panels offset?








Will the local ecology and habitat be affected by the Aslands Walks Energy Park?

Will the local ecology and habitat be affected by the Aslands Walks Energy Park?

No, the local ecology and habitat at the Asland Walks Energy Park will actually improve, this is because current the site is cropped. The Asland Walks Energy Park ecology and habitat will be developed by the planting of 15,000 trees bordering field to provide a visual screen and increase wildlife habitats, plus the solar panel arrays provide further shelter for local ecology, and are proposed to be grazed by sheep. Additionally, as it has been demonstrated by the ecological studies carried out on the field and surrounding areas, the proposed renewables would not have an impact or cause ecological loss on wintering foraging birds, and as the entire field is now no longer required for solar panels, further ecological enhancement can take place to create habitats for Skylarks and similar species.

Why does there need to be both renewable solar and wind generation?

Why does there need to be both renewable solar and wind generation?





How noisy will the wind turbines be and will these be heard from the village?

How noisy will the wind turbines be and will these be heard from the village?

Are migrating or native birds at risk of collision with the wind turbine?

Are migrating or native birds at risk of collision with the wind turbine?

Will the wind turbine affect the already bad TV and mobile phone signal in the area?

Will the wind turbine affect the already bad TV and mobile phone signal in the area?